In these challenging coronavirus times, with endless reports on mounting infection rates and death tolls, it’s not surprising that lots of us are left thinking about our own health and mortality, and this has resulted in a rise in people wanting wills writing in Gloucestershire.
But what is surprising and saddening is that the number of people who are now seeking will writing services is often related to the particular job or industry that they work in. And one recent report by Metro told of how teachers are feeling so “terrified” of catching coronavirus after returning to schools that they’re seeking wills in advance of going back to work.
One teacher, Ava Butzu, from across the pond in Michigan told Metro that she and her teacher friends are so afraid of catching coronavirus that they are fearing for their lives, but the president has insisted that classes must resume. Ava said:
“I am scared for my life for when I return to school. Some of my friends who are teachers have even prepared their wills before going back to school, there’s a genuine sense of fear.”
Ava said that the main problem is the students, that even if teachers are aware of the risks and the safety measures, the students do not adhere to social distancing, they go around hugging each other when they aren’t wearing masks, and that it’s difficult for teachers to enforce the rules, when this should be a matter for the authorities.
While we hope that all teachers and students alike are able to work and learn in a safe environment at school, but if you want to discuss will writing with a trusted and experience professional, get in touch with us today.